Better and improved blog coming soon! ~Thank you:)


Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Yes just as simple as that the word "tea" such a wonderful word indeed a word of delight a word of pleasure with tea parties with flavors of all kinds...Must I say Tea is indeed much too wonderful.


P.S Yes I know this post is a poem and very random but I Just had to post something about tea so I did a poem.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You must of have just started your blog. Did you? Well, I Like your blog! :D It's cute! Go to my blog. Thankyou! And I like that poem! Great job!

Sparks fly said...

Hey! Well i've been blogging fora while but i just made a new blog... but i have been slacking so i need to get back into blogging again. Thanks! Your blog is awesome!